Wednesday, 31 July 2013


On Saturday, Louise and I finally got round to going to Seaworld!! It was a super fun day :) 

We got up really early to make sure we could get one of the first I-rides buses there. This wasn't so pleasant after getting home at 2.30am after work last night. Firstly we headed to the new ride 'Antartica: Empire of the Penguin'. This was always going to be a highlight for me, what with my obsession with penguins! The ride consisted of following a penguin called Puck's journey through Antartica! Then after the ride, we got to see REAL penguins! It was so cold as they obviously tried to keep the temperature as cold as possible for the penguins. They were so cute and if I could have worked out a way to steal one and take it back home to England, I would have!

After this we had another exciting experience of feeding the dolphins! This was something I had done on a previous family holiday... However, before, we had missed the dolphin feeding times, so OBVIOUSLY I threw a tantrum and made my parents take us back there the next morning!..sorry for the tantrum mum and dad! The dolphin feeding was so fun and I got to stroke and touch the dolphins. They're such cute and playful animals and always look like they're smiling.

The rest of the day consisted of going on rollercoasters, visiting the animals, going on the Journey to Atlantis water ride and of course seeing the shows! We watched the dolphin show which was amazing and I loved seeing them perform. Also of course the Shamu show...I LOVE Shamu! The show was spectacular, however, it has differed now after the traumatic story of Shamu attacked a trainer and the trainers no longer get in the water with the whales anymore. However, it was still spectacular! We also watched the Clyde and Seamore sea lion show, which was absolutely hilarious!

We also went on the Wild Arctic ride, which I remember from the first time we came to Florida when I was 5, that I was scared to go on it as I thought we wouldn't be able to get home from the Arctic! Luckily, we made it back in one piece and got to see polar bears, walruses, the cutest, largest, most chilled animals, the manatees and more!

It was an awesome day and I'm so glad we decided to go. I even bought a dolphin pen :) Sadly, I didn't think the super size Shamu and Polar Bear would fit in my suitcase though :( 

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